a conversation with lifestyle strategist Annie Berryhill

Lifestyle coach Annie Berryhill

I love that my job connects me with so many amazing people! I’m always so awed and inspired by the women I work with and I want to share some of their awesome stories with you!

When I thought about doing this series, Annie was one of the first people I thought about. She and I had a portrait session a few years ago on the beach in California. Annie’s personality is so big and her smile so bright, it is such a pleasure to know her.

Annie is a lifestyle strategist (don’t worry, she’ll explain it) in Southern California and has a new book just out called Breakthrough to Freedom: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Life you Love on Purpose. Wow, who wouldn’t benefit from reading that book!

As someone who has been through more than one major transition in recent years, I know the importance of having someone to help you work through it and help you find yourself again (or for the first time). So, I asked Annie to explain a little more about what she does as a lifestyle strategist and about her book. Here’s what she said:

Lifestyle coach Annie BerryhillAnnie, you’re a lifestyle strategist. What is that exactly?

Drawing from my strengths and passions, I coined Lifestyle Strategist to reflect the fact that I am able to guide people from where they are, to where they want to be in life and to be a source of accountability, action planning and support along that journey with a little butt-kicking mixed in when needed!

Lifestyle coach Annie Berryhill

What type of clients do you work with most?

Most of the people who need what I do are people who are going through or have gone through a recent transition of some sort. Whether it’s becoming an empty-nester, a divorced person or widow/widower or even someone who has quit a job, it’s all related to being a place where you’ve lost touch with your true self, OR are in a place where you realize that you’ve NOT been living life according to what you really want to be. Those people are tired of being stuck going around in circles and are ready to breakout and breakthrough!

That sounds challenging, what is your favorite part of your job?

Ah, I love it all! It’s always been pretty easy for me to see the paths that people can take to get into a more desirable place. I also love when we get to dig through the mucky stuff to find the GOLD in each person, usually the gold they had forgotten or never really knew was there or was as valuable as it is.

Lifestyle coach Annie BerryhillWho should read your book?

Anyone who is ready to make a change and to take charge of their future. People who are in transition or who sense that there is more for them to grab a hold of and also people who are tired of waiting around for a live they love to happen, and are ready to take actions to MAKE it happen. People talk about living out their dreams, but few actually take the time and put in the energy to get to that important, life-fulfilling goal. This book will instruct you on how to get unstuck, live life by design (not by default), and how to be who you were created to be in the world with the time you’ve been given.

What ‘s the most important thing you want people to get from your book? 

Belief in themselves. Everything that they’ve dreamed of doing is not only possible but they are so deserving of it. I want people to be encouraged that struggling in life is not uncommon and not forever if they really want to find their purpose. True freedom comes from living who you were meant to be before life got in the way.

Lifestyle coach Annie BerryhillWhat’s your number one recommendation to create a life you love?

Learn to love who YOU are! Your Design (skills, talents, strengths, quirks) + Your dreams = Your Destiny.

Thank you so much, Annie, for being such an amazing, strong and inspiring woman!

You can check out Annie’s new book here. She also has a new Facebook group that is launching soon called People on Purpose. If you’re interested, you can ask to be included here. To get to know more about Annie, check out her website too!

Annie Berryhill's new book

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Dallas Portrait & Boudoir Photographer
