beautiful hotel boudoir photo session | dallas boudoir photography

#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry

Are all my clients paid models? I’ve been asked that question a few times. The answer is, NO, they aren’t! Most of my clients are busy moms, corporate professionals, and entrepreneurial businesswomen, all who have hectic days, a host of responsibilities, and carpool, just like the rest of us!  (As a matter of fact, many working models I know do all this too!)

In your photo session with me, I want you to feel like a model though. I want you to enjoy this time JUST FOR YOU, get lost in the experience of being pampered with expert hair and makeup, styled and posed to show off your favorite features, and having so much fun you’re smiling and laughing and just being yourself. With gorgeous professional hair and makeup, soft natural lighting and expert posing, you’ll look and feel your most beautiful. Let me show you!

Not convinced? Still nervous about doing a boudoir photo session like this one? I totally understand. Most of my clients have never done a boudoir photo shoot before either! But, it’s my job to help you be relaxed and feel comfortable. Your session is always private and unhurried so you can take your time getting into the spirit of it. But, I promise you that you will. Usually within just a few minutes, my clients totally relax and have no problems showing their gorgeous sensual side to the camera.

And, if boudoir is not your thing (for now), schedule a studio or outdoor beauty session. The experience is the same, plus you’ll have beautiful photos of yourself that will become some of your family’s most treasured possessions. Truly. When was the last time you had photos of yourself taken? (And I don’t mean selfies.) Maybe it’s time. If you want to know more, please do contact me and we’ll talk details.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this breathtaking boudoir photo session from my last visit to California!

#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea MayberryE-4906w#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea Mayberry#boudoir photography by Shea MayberryPhotos taken during a boudoir photo session in Orange County, California.

Follow us on Instagram @sheamayberryphoto


Dallas Portrait & Boudoir Photographer