getting to know san francisco

golden gate bridge san francisco

San Francisco is hands down my favorite U.S. city. It’s historically and culturally rich, but  at the same time artsy, quirky and whimsical. Whenever I visit, I know I wont get enough and I immediately look forward to going back. During our January visit it was a little chilly, cloudy and rainy, but we spent the weekend leisurely walking the neighborhoods. We especially loved exploring the cafes, bookstores and amazing restaurants! We started out at the Buena Vista for Irish coffee, of course, then eventually made our way over to my favorite bookstore, City Lights Booksellers, and then The Plant Cafe Organic. We had dinner one night near our hotel at the tiny and charming Colibrí Mexican Bistro in the Theatre District. The perfect place for amazing ceviche and tequila tasting! And, as you can tell from my photos, Chinatown was REALLY fun to explore and photograph.

Next visit maybe it will be warm enough for a milkshake at Ghirardelli Square and a visit to a fortune cookie factory in Chinatown. Thanks Da and Akiko for the recommendations! Please share yours below!!

chinatown street at night

chinatown muralchinatown dim sum

san francisco skyline

san francisco architecturesan Francisco bay

conservatory of flowers san franciscosan francisco fishermans wharf

chinatown lanternschinatown produce market in San Francisco

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Dallas Portrait & Boudoir Photographer